
Sunday, July 28, 2024

Christopher's Cooking

 Since Christopher finished work he has been helping me around the house.

The rooms with air conditioning in I can manage but the other rooms and areas are difficult for me to do. That's where Christopher comes in.  The entrance and corridors need sweeping every day, so that is one job that Christopher does.

He's also teaching himself how to cook.  He really likes Japanese cuisine.  He finds recipes on the internet, then shops and cooks,

Yesterday he made Inari sushi.  Rice that is flavored with rice vinegar and a little bit of sugar stuffed into fried tofu pockets.  Very simple but very tasty. He served it with leftover fried beef and salad.  Nice, light dinner for a very hot day!

Inari sushi

He had some of the fried tofu pockets left over so this morning he made some more but added pickled ginger to the rice.  That made them very refreshing.

with pickled ginger

I'm glad that he and David can cook, helps a lot.  I don't like instant food or obento, but occasionally is alright.  I find it hard to cook every day because it's so hot.  Having other people to take over when I don't feel up to it really helps.  That way we can avoid instant foods as much as possible!!

Mikey came back with these flashy glasses last night!

flashy glasses

Because his shirt was blue he actually looked blue!

Christopher and Hannah had a go with them.

Having fun with the glasses. 

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