
Sunday, March 31, 2024


 I got a lot done in March.  Got to the other house a few times.  The two bedrooms are basically empty, one has a mattress that needs to go, the other has stuff that can be burnt. The kitchen cupboards are empty, I've kept a few things, brand new rice bowls and soup bowls that were gifts, a couple of nice trays, again gifts but never used.  We break a lot of things so they will be used!  The big tatami room is almost finished, just a few things on the floor that need to be thrown out.  One corner is piled with stuff I've moved from here, books and curtains mainly.  The veranda still needs to be worked on, boxes of CDs and DVDs but not sure how to dispose of them.  The next thing is to get utilities hooked up and start cleaning. That is going to be hard.  Next time I go I have to be brave and take things out of the toilets.  

My exercise was a bit hit-and-miss.  I did every other day for the past couple of weeks.  I get so tired going to the other house.  Also, spring is really here, on Friday it wasn't moving stuff, walking from one end of the house to the other, climbing stairs that are more like ladders that tired me out, it was running and screaming as bugs started to come out.  I don't like bugs of any kind!  Spiders are okay, the little lizards are okay but bugs have me running.  Good exercise I guess!!!

I noticed that the cherry blossoms are out.  I took a walk to the park on the next block and took a few photos.  Looks really nice but it might rain tomorrow!

The park near the house
April is the new school year in Japan.  Kids change years or change schools, going on to the next level.  It's a time of change.  I'm wondering what other changes will happen this year.  My English school is not doing so well, I'm not the only one, a lot of places are struggling to keep going.  I would love to start a new business but something easy, low-key that I can do.  I keep looking on the internet but most ideas are good in the USA or UK but not here. Any ideas?

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