
Friday, March 8, 2024

Exercise Update

 It's been about a month since I started to exercise.  I will admit that I missed a few days.  One was the day we went to the other house, I figured all the moving of boxes and walking counted as exercise.  Also the past week or so I've missed because of my allergies being bad. I can exercise when I'm sneezing, coughing and having a runny nose but not with the awful sinus headaches I get.  Some days I feel like I've been beaten around the face and even just walking sends shooting pains, so exercise is out of the question.  Other than that I have been consistent.  I'm doing a gentle 10-minute chair exercise and I'm starting to see some results.

I haven't lost weight, I keep bouncing up and down the same kilo.  Also losing weight has more to do with food, as the saying goes you can't out exercise a bad diet!  But my mobility is better!  The other day I was walking from the car to the supermarket, Mikey had to park far away as it was busy.  I usually walk with a limp because of bone-on-bone arthritis in my right knee, but that day I realized that I walked fast and no limp. I thought it was a fluke but over the past few days I've been walking okay.  Also when standing after about 20 minutes my back and hips hurt. Today I spent an hour cleaning the kitchen and cooking dinner, until it got to an hour on my feet I had no pain.  

This gives me hope.  I dream of traveling in Japan, there are so many wonderful places to see but so much walking. I have to keep up with the exercises, maybe try a longer one, really get fit.  Then all I have to do is make money!!

Also, I do need to cut sugar again.  I don't why but I'm finding it harder to say no to sugary foods.  Last time I stopped sugar I was using an artificial sweetener in my tea, but it had an awful aftertaste!  I take half a teaspoon of sugar in my tea, which isn't too much!  But it's the chocolate, cakes and cookies that keep coming in the house.  I think I'm going to have to tell the kids to stop buying them.  

Maybe I need another challenge!

Just a photo of Mama enjoying the sun!!!

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