
Monday, August 12, 2024

Japanese Study

 I decided to start studying Japanese again.

There's a popular test for Japanese proficiency. The easiest is N5, basic greetings, words, and some kanji. The hardest level is N1, which is the level needed to enter university here.

My level is about N4.  Bad!! I know, I just don't take the time to study.

I have plenty of materials.  I have bookmarked a number of sites that have readings at different levels. I have apps for reading as well.

I watch a couple of Japanese ladies who are about my age who are living slow lives in the countryside. Each lady has very different situations, one has 9 cats!! The other moved to her parent's empty house with her family. The videos have English subtitles but I can listen to them as well!  It's good listening practice!

Speaking I don't really try. I'll sometimes speak to the parents of my students, but just basic greeting.

Writing is something else I don't try very much!

The other day I got out one of my books to learn kanji.

One of my many books for learning Japanese

  Hannah saw me and suggested that I learn how to write my name and address instead of just random kanji. She sat and taught me for about an hour. A lot of that was laughing at my attempt at writing. She showed me the book she has for teaching Japanese at elementary school. So many kanji, first grade is 80 different ones!  I'm not sure but I think 4th grade is about 200.  Hannah said it's more because they have to learn the different prefectures that have kanji that aren't included. 

I remember when my kids were in elementary school they had to write out kanji every day! I think that's the only way!

My Japanese lesson

I need to do this every day!
Maybe I should do it at night when I can't sleep! Might be a cure for my insomnia!!

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