
Monday, August 5, 2024

Hair Adventures!

 I wanted to color my hair! I usually go to my hairdresser but she is semi-retired and only open 4 days a week. So I decided to buy a home coloring kit and do it myself.

I asked Hannah to go with me to find a good color, also to make sure that I get the right kind, one that covers white hair.

Of course, the first question was "Do you want purple hair?" 

There's a story behind that question. Hannah was only a year old but has heard this story many times!

When I went to England in 2003 I didn't have time to go to the hairdresser before we left so I decided to go to the hairdresser in England.  

I was shocked at how expensive it was! I just got a cut, which didn't turn out so well. I don't think the hairdresser listened to what I asked for!

I went to a store to buy a color. I can read English, I can find the perfect color! 

My Mom's friend offered to do the coloring for me. I sat in Mom's dining/kitchen, listening to Mom and her friend chatter.  Suddenly they started laughing, I asked "What, what?" to which they answered "Nothing" but kept laughing. Mom snapped a photo.

Purple hair!

I actually screamed when I saw it!

Very purple

After that experience, I always went to the hairdresser to get my hair colored, until this time.

Before, white hair

Hannah took this with a filter, I don't look that pale. My face is red because I sweat a lot and rub my face!

The product

I got a light brown color. 

The result

Not too bad. Bit more red than I would like but it looks okay. I need to get some cream for my face. I don't bother too much with creams, just a basic moisturizer but I need something for under my eyes.  That area gets sore easily, leaving me with puffy eyes!  I never look good in photos but this is me!!

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