
Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Mommy Vlogs/Blogs

 Before I get into this post I just want to say thank you to my friends who reached out to me after my last post.  It's very easy to end up thinking the same thing over and over again, not finding anything good or different.  These friends gave me encouragement and a kick up the backside that I needed.  Thank you!!

Mommy vlogs/blogs have been around for a long time but are they really a good idea.  I will admit that I don't watch them and have never really thought about them being good or bad but a video came up on YouTube talking about how bad some of the vlogs were.  Of course, some are really bad, one famous vlogger was arrested for child abuse/neglect. One young lady who came from a family whose mother was a vlogger said that it was awful growing up with a camera constantly running. Some talk about things like their daughters getting their first period, really private things!  Another problem is showing kids bathing (mainly toddlers) or kids in bathing suits, maybe cute but there are, unfortunately, some people in society that don't see this as just cute but rather in a sexual way!  Could they be putting their kids in danger doing that? A lot of these vlogs focus on how they discipline their kids, but they aren't child psychologists and seem to get their ideas from different places.  Some seem to be using their kids as clickbait. One couple, mentioned in a few videos, were going to adopt a child from Thailand until they found out that Thailand has a law that says you can put videos or photos of the adopted child on social media for a year.  They actually made a video saying that they wouldn't be adopting from Thailand because of this law!  It made it look like the reason for adopting was to use the child to make videos!  The video I watched accused the parents of these mommy vlogs of exploiting their children.

What amazed me was the statistics from this video I watched. Some of these vlogs had millions of subscribers/followers.  Why?  Is how other people discipline their kids that interesting or what they had for breakfast?  Are we as a society so deprived of interaction that watching other people's lives is a substitute?

I admit I do watch a few lifestyle vlogs.  All Japanese, it's a way to listen to Japanese that is easy and I don't have to think of replying, also there are subtitles so I can learn new vocabulary.  One lady is a mother of 5 children, her vlogs are about cooking.  She uses seasonal ingredients and I've gotten a few new ideas from her.

The other two I watch are ladies about my age.  One I clicked because I could understand the title even though it was in Japanese.  The title was "A lady in her 60s with nine cats", that's me!  She talks about life in her old house that is difficult to warm and what she cooks.  One thing she does is to go out almost every day, she lives in a beautiful mountain area. Taking a walk means that she gets exercise and doesn't need to heat the house while she is out.  I think that might be something I'll be doing later this year.  The house we are moving to is also difficult to heat and maybe taking a walk to the other land we have will help!

The other lady I watch talks a lot about her garden.  She has just moved to her parent's old house before she would go on the weekends to clean and take care of the garden.  She has such a peaceful feeling about her and seems to enjoy her life.  Just looking at her you think that she had a lovely life but in one video talking about her family, she said that her daughter had died.  Apprently the daughter was only 14 years old at the time of her death.  

So mommy vlogs, good or bad.  Watching other people's lives, good or bad?  Why is this even a thing?

I think that it's a case of moderation, as with most things. I watch these ladies' vlogs but not every day.  Sometimes I get good ideas from them or a different way of thinking.  Sometimes I need some inspiration to get out of the negative cycle that my thinking takes.  I love my friends for helping me do that but I know everybody is so busy.  So these vlogs help.

Any thoughts?  Why, as a society, are we so interested in other people's lives?

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