
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

That Time of the Year

 I always find the week between Christmas and New Year to be very strange.  Kind of a nothing time, the excitement of Christmas is over and it's to early to really prepare for New Years.  Unlike Christmas I don't really have set meals for New Years. In Japan soba noodles are eaten on New Years Eve, for a long life, even though I buy them we usually don't eat them. On New Years Day Osechi is eaten.  The different food items represent prosperity, good fortune and health.  But I've found them to be very expensive and not really good value for money.  Also this year I have to consider everybody's schedules as Mikey, David and Christopher will work over the New Year as they had Christmas off.

This week is also the time to do the big cleaning in Japan.  But it is too cold to do the areas that really need doing, no central heating!  One area is like a corridor running behind the two tatami rooms.  I've never understood the purpose of this area, it's kind of a dead space and we use it to dump things that we aren't using or haven't had chance to throw away, for example all the boxes that we have!  The best way to clean it out is to go outside, open the sliding windows and move stuff out that way but it's so cold outside that I really don't want to do it!  Maybe I'll get brave and do it tomorrow, I'll  let you know!

Other than cleaning I've been binge watching TV, not good but sometimes I just want to not think or do anything.  Now I feel like I couldn't watch another thing, kind of over did it!

 Hannah is happy that her part time job has finished for a few days.  She worked 10am to 10pm Monday and Tuesday.  Today she has been dozing on and off all day! But she still takes care of the cats!

Stand off!


  1. Belated Merry Christmas and early Happy New Year. Hope 2022 brings a much calmer, peaceful, and healthy times to your family.
    How are the cats doing with the new wallpaper? Is the plastic working?

    1. Thank you! Hope you had a good holiday and that 2022 will be great for you. The cats are confused by the plastic, so far it's working.
