
Saturday, October 7, 2023


 In my living room I have a whole bookcase just for my cookbooks.  There must be over a hundred books!

All cookbooks!

Some are ones I collected in the 1970's.  A weekly magazine that I bought the binders for and made into books.  I kept them at my parent's house until the last visit and loaded down my suitcase with them.

The complete cook
I don't think I've made anything from them but they are good to read.
Another one I found was a free gift from a flour company when I was in school.

Free booklet from a flour company

This one I've used a lot.  Simple baking recipes.  

Then I have Jamie Oliver, and Gorden Ramsey books and even a Martha Stewart book that my husband gave me for Christmas one year.  

Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsey books from charity shops

Martha Stewart book
I love reading these books.  I sit and read them like a novel.  As much as I love these books, trying to get the ingredients can be difficult.  But still interesting.

The books I use a lot are the Japanese books that I buy from the recycle shop.  It's a challenge to understand them but through using the translation app on my phone and the kids I can pretty much figure the recipes out.  I end up with notes in the books which helps a lot.

One of my Japanese books with my notes.

I should start collecting family favorite recipes and keeping them together.
As the weather cools down my thinking is turning to more and more to cooking and baking.  Just wondering how to make comfort food more healthy and healthy food more comforting!!
This past week I made cottage pie and a full roast dinner with Yorkshire puds!!  I've also made a big bowl of hikji seaweed salad that goes nicely with the Japanese lunches we've had.

Wondering what to make for today's lunch.  

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