
Monday, June 25, 2012

The Great Bedroom Challenge

I am the first to admit that I don't like cleaning.  I hate it but it has to be done!   I spend a lot of time keeping the downstairs rooms in some sort of order and making sure that the kitchen isn't growing mold and other nasty things that the bedrooms get neglected.  So last weekend was the bedroom challenge.  Bedrooms should be peaceful and inviting, a place to go to at the end of a stressful day.  The bedrooms here are a disaster area, full of traps for unwary visitors!

Hannah's room,there is a floor, somewhere!

See a disater    

Mikey and David's room, the drawers are empty!

Same room from the window,even the walk in closet is a disaster!
 So Saturday afternoon we started.  Furniture has been moved, dust has been swept up, things are looking better, but not finished.

This is how I feel everytime I look at the bedrooms!

I keep telling myself that it is a work in progress otherwise I would go crazy!

Sunday I made stuffed peppers for dinner.  Kind of okay, at least no soya sause or miso!  Could of used more taste in the sauce.  Next time!

Stuffed peppers with tomatoe sauce

Of course we had salad and some fried chickedn cutlets for the fussy eaters

Today it has been cool, which is nice for me.    Hannah had a new dress last Friday, she had to wear it today.


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