
Monday, October 10, 2022


 Every summer I get wiped out!  The extreme heat and humidity are hard for me to deal with. Even with air conditioning it's hard.  I want to go places during the summer holidays, but never do as I have no confidence that I would be alright to enjoy myself.  I look forward to autumn, cooler days and especially cooler nights.  Not having to use the air conditioner at night is such a relief.  But every year I get hit with allergies!  The past couple of years weren't so bad but this year has been awful!  The past few weeks I've been waking up at 4am with a runny nose, then start sneezing and sneezing.  This goes on for an hour or so.  I take over the counter medicine but doesn't work.  I end up with awful headaches, pain around my sinus area and my ribs aching from sneezing so hard!  On Saturday I went to the local doctors and got some stronger medicine.  Just one tablet at night before bed.  I've only taken it twice so can't decide if it's working or not!  But I haven't been sneezing as much as usual, so I'm hoping!

Mikey managed to burn his arm last week!  He had fried sausages and was moving the fry pan off the stove top when the fat splashed out and caught his arm.  Looked awful and I'm sure it must have hurt but he didn't need to go to the hospital!

Mikey's burns!
A few days later David was frying something and Mikey quipped, I don't like that sound.
I don't need a weather forecast to see what the temperature is, just seeing how the cats are sleeping gives me a good idea!  When it's hot they sleep far apart, as it cools down they snuggle together.  The past few days they have been getting on the sofa and curling up together! Also they love to get on peoples laps, one way of staying warm and not using the heaters!
Mama on Hannah

snuggled up cats!

1 comment:

  1. My son and his family live in Japan. Both son and gson suffered from
    seasonal allergies. They are done fairly well on medicine from ENT.
    Of course dr. adjusted amount for my son(6'3 and American). Gson does well with meds. Looking into allergy testing, but not a normal thing in Japan. Hope you feel better soon.
