
Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Went back to the doctor on Monday!  There was still some fluid in the area which he
drained. Just 100ml, half the amount of the week before.  Talked about my long term treatment!
I'll be on the tablets for 5 years, have to figure how to pay for them!  After the fluid stops building up
I'll have monthly appointments with the doctor, after one year another CT scan and if that is
clear then the appointments will be every 3 months!  Looks like I am stuck with endless
hospital visits.  I know some people have a worse situation and I am very grateful that this
was caught early but the thought of spending so much time in the hospitals waiting room
does not inspire me!
I am trying to get back into doing things!  The house needs a good clean, top to bottom!  Dust
and dog hairs are every where!  Drives me crazy!  The kitchen needs to be closed for a day a
and cleaned out, the door fell off one of the cabinets and I really don't want to call the
real estate to fix it!  Wondering what is best to do!   One problem with renting is that
we can't so any real repairs without permission and I resent spending money on things
that I can't take with me!   Try and get some jobs done every day, slowly!

The other night David, Christopher and Hannah were having a giggle fest!  They were
looking at the photos that I had posted on this blog!  Some were rather embarrassing!
What's the point of having a blog if one can't post strange photos?

So a few more photos to upset everybody!

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