
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Japanese Hospital Stay

I was in hospital from May 31st to June 7th, just one week!
The experience wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  From when the doctor
told me I had to go into hospital until the operation I did nothing but cry!
I just couldn't stop!  I was afraid, the idea of having a tube put down my throat
scared me, the idea of the anesthetic scared me.  I worried about pain management
after the operation.  Also leaving my kids (who are really young adults but still my
kids) worried me!  I was a total wreck emotionally, I was still in shock over the diagnosis
and here I was going in for major surgery!

But the reality was so much better than I imagined.  Of course surgery wasn't nice but the
doctor and staff were really kind and didn't tut at my fears! They went out of their way to make me feel comfortable!  Pain management was really good, I actually had no pain at the surgery
site, where they placed the I.V.drip was more painful!  Food was okay. Hannah said that
it looked like the school lunches that she had!  My rooms mated made me smile!  I didn't
talk to them so much, just greetings but got to listen to their chatter!  All older ladies so
most of their conversation were about constipation and adult nappies!

All in all my experience wasn't too bad!  Boredom was the worst thing.  I am so glad that
I had my Ipad and kindle with me.  Downloaded some movies and TV programs from
Netflix.  Read at least 4 books as well!

I am still rather a wreck, it is a lot to process and the quickness of everything has left my head
spinning a bit.  Also I want to do things, give the house a good clean, do the garden etc but
am still rather weak!  Have do things bit by bit!

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