
Saturday, December 9, 2023

Everything Hurts

 The title of this post was going to be "Busy, Busy, Busy" and I am very busy with deep cleaning but doing just a bit has left me with aches and pains.  I feel so old!!  My problem is that my brain still thinks I'm in my 30's but my body feels like I'm over 80!!!!  

This morning I took the cushions off the sofa.  The plan was just to vacuum under the cushions, then pull the sofa out and clean the floor.  When I pulled off the big cushion I realized that it smelled bad.  Looks like the cats have been peeing in that corner.  I wanted to take off the covers off to wash but the zipper is jammed.  So I got a bucket of hot water, laundry soap, and a cloth and scrubbed the cushions, the back of the sofa, and down the sides.  I then sprayed it with something to stop the smell and discourage the cats,  doesn't really stop them but it helps a bit.  I've left the cushions in front of the window to dry, hope it helps.  Hannah helped a lot but just doing that bit has left me in pain, my knee, thighs, and lower back are killing me.  I'm actually shaking as I write this!!

So that means I MUST exercise.  I keep saying I'll start tomorrow or next week or in the New Year but if just doing half an hour cleaning leaves me so much pain then I have to start NOW.  (I'm telling myself this!!).   There are loads of chair exercise videos on YouTube and I have downloaded tons of books with exercises for seniors.

One reason this worries me more than usual is we will be moving soon and that means a lot of work.  Yes, I have 3 young men to help but I want to be able to pull my weight as well.  I'll let you know if I start and if it helps.

Hannah looking all grown up!!!

Just a photo of Hannah, makes a change from the cats!!!!

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