
Sunday, December 13, 2020

Half Way Through December

 Poor Hannah didn't get into her first choice for university.  It was a long shot to begin with.  One thing in Japan the name of the school that you have attended is very important.  Hannah's high school a commercial school, which is considered rather low ranking.  Hannah did get the test results that she needed, for 3 years her average was 4.2 (5 is the highest, to attend university 4 is needed), she studied hard for the entrance test but didn't make it.  Rather disappointing. She has a test for another place next week.  The problem is the other university doesn't have junior high school teachers course, which is what Hannah wanted to do.  This other university is for elementary school teachers, but it does have special needs which is what Hannah is really interested in.  

Because of all the drama with Hannah I have only just put up our Christmas tree. I use to do two or three, now only one.  One problem is the cats, the one I put up is in a room the cats aren't allowed in.  Another is just not having enough energy to do anything.  This year I am not doing a typical Christmas dinner.  The only place to get the meat is Costco, which is always crowded and with Covid still hanging around I don't want to risk it.  So this year we are having KFC, typical Japanese Christmas dinner!  You actually have to preorder, stating what time you want to pick it up.  We'll eat around 4 o'clock as Mikey has a magic show at 1 o'clock.

Our little tree

Pink cat? No just the sun through the curtains


  1. A pink cat would be so awesome! Hope you have a wonderful holiday. Covid is raging here in the US, so we will stay at home and have a quiet Christmas.

  2. I enjoy reading your journal. Hard luck Hannah good luck with the next test. Sometimes we make one plan but God makes another. I am sure it will be good. Happy holidaus.
