
Friday, December 18, 2020

Eight Years

 Yesterday was 8 years since Hisao passed away!  Some days it feels like it just happened, other days it seems like a lifetime ago.

This year it has hit me harder than other years. Part of it is the difficulties caused by the pandemic.  Most years I treat Hannah to a musical as part of her Christmas presents.  We spend the whole day out, lunch, musical, then the Christmas Market on the way back.  This year there are no musicals and I don't want to risk going to the city as I know it will be crowded. Also I go to Costco for Christmas dinner, again I don't want to risk it.  Even on a week day it is crowded.  

This year I've stayed home, baked cookies for the students, done Christmas parties and tried to not get too down!

Hannah has another test today for her 2nd choice university, hope she passes this time.

It took 3 hours to get this photo!

Not sure where the last two photos were taken!

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you and your family a happy holiday season. I'm a widow also and I know it is hard. You've done wonderfully well and your kids are awesome. Stay safe , keep warm, and do something fun.
