
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Wake Up Call

 I still have shingles but it's a lot better. Went to the pain clinic again today but I didn't need the injection in my back, which I'm very happy about.  I got another week's worth of medicine and have to go back next week.

When I went to the pain clinic last week I had to list surgeries and any health problems I have. The list was a lot longer than it should be, plus I didn't list everything.  Surgeries include both of my eyes for cataracts and a mastectomy.  My health problems include arthritis in my knee, gallstones, obesity, and diabetes.  I was rather shocked when I thought about it, I'm only 61, surely I should be healthier than that!

So I realized that I need to commit to losing weight and exercising more.  My goal was 62kgs by 62.  My birthday is in August so I don't think I'll make it, I would need to lose about 8kgs a month which is doable but I believe it's dangerous.  Also losing so much so quickly would just mean rebounding!  But I must get to 60-something kgs before the end of the year.  But I refuse to diet, whenever I decide to not eat certain foods, for example, sugary treats, I crave them more and more. I finally give in, figure I've blown my diet, and eat even more.  So this time I'm going to make sure that I don't have any sugary treats in the house, and buy more fruits.  If I want something with sugar I can bake, which I don't do so much in the summer.

This morning, after the clinic Christopher and I stopped in Mos Burger, Japan's answer to McDonald's, but much nicer (and more expensive)

Mos Burgers

I had iced tea, and we shared the french fries

It was nice to sit and chat for a bit.  We decided to walk back.  According to Google Maps, it's about 17 minutes walk, I think it took me 25 minutes.  Not too bad and I wasn't in pain when I got back.  One reason it took longer was I stopped a few times to take photos.

Lovely flowers

I have no idea what these flowers are but they are very beautiful.  They were growing outside a restaurant.

A little further down the road, I saw a blast from the past.

A public phone

I've seen a few phones but not a phone booth.  I know that Hannah's high school had a phone near the office for students to use, as cell phones were banned.

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