
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

It's Back

 The pain!!!  I felt so good yesterday, I walked home from the clinic, shopped on the way, cleaned, and made dinner.  I felt so good, almost no pain until the night when I started to feel a small twinge.  Today it's bad again.  I'm tired and miserable!  I was really hoping that my recovery would be a straight line but I guess not.  Never mind I've learned my lesson, I should still take things easy!

The cats are getting into summer mode. They are shredding everywhere! We brush them daily but still need to constantly sweep and vacuum.  

Having nine cats means nine very different personalities.  Last night somebody forgot to lock the front door.  I was watching TV when Hannah suddenly shouted "Steve's outside".  Went to check but just got to the door when Steve and Fred came back in, head down with a sheepish look.  We counted the cats and found Toast was missing.  We looked round, I decided to look under the car and there he was.  As soon as he saw me he shot out and ran back inside.  He wasn't going to cower.  He spent the rest of the evening on top of the bookshelf, staring outside, with a look that said I want to go out!

Toast staring outside.

I have one lesson this evening, then going to rest!

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