
Thursday, June 4, 2020


Woke up at 4am, basically too hot and the cats making a noise. Went to the toilet and noticed some water on the floor.  Nothing unusual about that, our toilet has  a spout and sink shape top on the tank so people can rinse their hands, sometimes that spills out. I thought nothing more of it!  As I had to be up at 4:30 I decided to stay downstairs.  In the living room I found the cats staring at this massive cockroach, I got brave and sprayed it, which knocked it on the floor, the cats attacked.  I actually felt sorry for the cockroach, a bit!  At 4:30 Christopher comes down, goes to the toilet, I can here him cussing, he comes in "Mom the cats have peed on the toilet mat", I told him to throw it in the bathtub so I can soak it and wash it out.  At 5am Hannah comes down, goes off to the toilet, comes running back in and asks if she can pee in the shower. I want to know why, went to the toilet and there is a good inch of water on the floor, it has flowed out onto the wooden floors in the corridor.  Time to panic! Got Mikey to call an emergency plumbing company, but all there plumbers were out on calls.  Mikey decided to see if he could at least slow down the leak, it was coming from where the pipe leads into the tank.  Mikey marched off with a screw drive and no idea, I'm thinking not a good idea, both Hannah and Christopher told Mikey to wait.  All I could here were screams and cussing from Mikey, what had been a slow tickle was now a deluge! Mikey looked like he had a shower with his clothes on! The only thing to do was turn off the water!  Big problem with that was I hadn't made Hannah's breakfast or lunch box.  Solution was going to a convenience store on the way to school. Plus I was desperate for the toilet!
One good thing about all this was Hannah had a good laugh before school. She has some tests today and was rather stressed last night.  This early morning adventure gave her a good laugh before school.
The plumber has just left, took an hour to fix and costs about 100 pounds but I have my toilet back and the water turned on!


  1. Relieved that it wasn't worse. Your title had me worried. There are lots of online courses. One can study do it yourself plumbing another electrician and Hannah can do first aid to patch up the wounded. As to cockroaches the best solution is a shoe splat! But I hate doing it

    1. Can't do the shoe splat either. It took me 10 minutes of staring at the thing to get up the courage to spray and run! I've thought about doing online DIY courses but things are a bit different here and my Japanese is not good enough!

  2. The best is to catch the poor creature in a cup and set it free! :)
    Glad you toilet is fixed. I hope you avoided damage to the wooden floors.

  3. I can't go near them, all insects freak me out but cockroaches make me scream! Floors seem to be okay just one small patch but should dry out alright!
