
Thursday, February 28, 2013


So here is March!!  I honestly don't know where time goes to.  How did we get to the third month of 2013 already? 
Last week the dog got sick.  She was  coughing like crazy.  I thought about taking her to the vets but put it off.  Vets are really expensive and money is tight at the moment.  After 4 days she was fine.  She is a yard dog but has place right outside the dinning room window.  I gave her an old mat to sleep on, but she buried it instead, silly dog!!
This week has been busy at Hannah's school.  On Wednesday each year did a little skit as a goodbye to the 6th graders!!  Each year sang a song and a little play.  Very sweet.  Hannah had to stand up and say about 4 lines.  She did very well.  I am so happy, when she started at this school she wouldn't even say her name, she has come a long way.
On Thursday the school had special guests.  The Miss Universe, who use to go to the school and Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul and Mary fame.  Mikey went to see them, all parents were invited, I wanted to go but got hit by bad allergies!!  Mikey knows how to position himself to meet people.  So he got to speak to Peter!!!  Good for Mikey.
I am hoping to update more often, I do think about it but thinking and doing don't always match up.


  1. It sounds like you have some interesting people come to visit your schoool. Unfortunately our school has no special visitors...... I would love it if the kids could meet someone who really inspired them to do something exciting.

    1. Hi Jo,
      thank you for your comment. The school here is very good at doing these kind of things. Also the lady who is Miss Universe went to the school. It is nicw for the kids!!
