
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Our New Car

New to us that is!  We finally got a good deal on a used car.  My husband's friend introduced us to somebody who had a car shop, he is semi retired but still knows about cars! He showed Mikey an auction site and recommended 3 or 4 cars, Mikey went and chose a car but this guy did the bidding and got us a car under our budget!  He took the car to his place and replaced a couple of things, for free. All in all a very good deal and a very nice car!

Nice, new and shiny car!

Hannah is very busy at school. This is her last month at elementary school, so getting ready for graduation and junior high school.  Today's homework was math that she will be doing in junior high school.  She seems to know what she is doing, I hope so because math is the one thing I really struggle with!  She made a nice bag for me in her home economics class the other week!

Hannah with  the bag she made
Hannah has a very interesting way of explaining things!  Yesterday she was very tired and actually fell asleep after school for about half an hour!  Later in the evening she asked to watch one of her DVDs.  I said I thought  she was too tired to watch anything.  Her answer was rather unique.  She said it's like when you eat dinner and too full but then there is cake you can eat!!  Clever answer, so of course she got to watch her DVD!


  1. Wow, that certainly is a unique car that also complements your unique daughter and her response. I've always been a bit hesitant about those car buying websites, as sure you know about your own budget and wants and needs but can you really see the cars you are choosing from online? If I'm going to a store or lot I find I can still get a good price.

    Douglass @ Viva Kia

  2. I recently bought a new car and wanted to share an experience that I had with my salesman. After I was sure we were done, I was introduced to the parts manager who now offered me an extended warranty on all parts for another $20 a month. I decided to do it, and 4 months later an engine part broke that was luckily covered saving me thousands.

    Paige Hollingsworth @ Baldwin Motors Lincoln
