
Friday, September 4, 2020

Typhoo Season

 End of August and September are the typhoon months in Japan.  Although in the past few years we've been having them as early as June!  Where we live we have been very lucky recently as we have only caught the edge of the storm or as it weakens, so rain and a bit of wind.

This weekend we are expecting a monster typhoon. The center pressure is 920hPa, at the moment and it is still over the sea, which means it could get stronger.  I always gauge how bad the storms are going to be by other peoples reactions!  I went shopping yesterday, there was no bread, no bottled water, very little milk.  Things like rope and flash lights had also sold out.  This was at a large supermarket.  This morning I went to my local supermarket.  I arrived just before opening and there was a line around the store!  I managed to get some bread, but it was a real fight.  A loaf of bread has either 5 or 6 slices in it, so I usually get two loaves.  This morning as I got to the bread corner there was only about 5 loaves left! I managed to grab some!

On the way back I saw people tying down car ports and cleaning yards of anything that can fly away.  

I'll let you know how it was next week.  My biggest worry is loosing power or water!


  1. Please take care. My son and family live in Kagoshima. He's brought everything inside, water, food, plywood and put important papers in zip lock bag and inside the dishwasher. Stay safe. thinking of you and your family.

    1. Hope your son is okay. Kagoshima got hit bad, the storm was still very strong at that point! I'm about 4 hours drive north of Kagoshima, so by the time it hit us it was weaker but still strong!
