
Monday, January 13, 2020

Twenty Nine Years!

Today is my 29th anniversary of coming to Japan.
I was only coming for five years!  I figured make some money and go back to England!
Never happened, we kept putting off going until it got too late!
When I visited England a couple of years ago I couldn't imagine living there now, it is
so different to what I remember.

I've spent the past couple of days going down memory lane with my kids!  I seem to remember the
weirdest things.  I arrived at Narita Airport in the evening, Hisao was supposed to meet me but he was late!  I remember having a mini panic attack, I had very little money, no way to contact Hisao and no idea how to get to his place!  He turned up almost an hour late!
I remember buying shoes, first thing I bought in Japan, that rubbed my feet so bad, I ended up with massive blisters!  We spent a couple of months in Tokyo, but I really didn't like it!  Great place to visit but not to live!  I don't like any big city much!  Coming back to Hisao's home town was the best thing for us!

Twenty nine years ago I wouldn't have believed how my life has turned out.  I thought things would be so different.  I never imagined being a widow, with my own business, 4 kids, 1 dog and 7 cats!

Took a couple of photos of photos from when I arrived here!

Quality isn't that good sorry!  Such a long time ago!


  1. as a long time reader of your blog, I would love to know when and how you met your husband and what made you decide to make Japan your home. You have made a fulfilling life for yourself in Japan, with beautiful kids and memories of a good marriage.

    1. Thank you for your comment! I met my husband through a mutual friend when were both in America.
      I don't think I really decided to make Japan my home it just kind of happened. I came with the plan of going back after a few years but somehow that never happened. As my kids got older and started school it was just easier to stay here. Also the England I want to go back to is the England of my childhood, a very different place. Last time I visited I felt that I wouldn't be happy there!

  2. Thanks for helping us to experience a very different life style. Your stories are very interesting. I would not have saved the mouse. One mouse today, 100 tomorrow. It isn't much fun waking up at 2am and going into the kitchen for a glass of water and finding a rat in the sink. I said goodnight and fled and by morning it had disappeared.

    1. If the mouse had come in by itself it wouldn't have been saved, I've had mice in other houses I've lived in, not nice! But Mama cat bought it in so I felt bad about killing it. The mouse was easy to deal with, in the past Mama has bought in a snake and a bird, those were more difficult to get out!
      I'm glad that you are enjoying my stories!
