
Monday, June 3, 2024


 the last roast lunch for a few months!

I love a roast lunch.  I enjoy cooking and of course, eating.  The summer in Japan is too hot for a roast, lighter meals that don't need a lot of cooking are better!

So yesterday I made a nice roast lunch.

Thick-cut pork chops (the usual roast cuts aren't available, but these pork chops are nice), just a sprinkle of salt and pepper, and a bit of rosemary, slow cook in the oven.

I managed to get brussel sprouts (gorilla snot as the kids call them), they aren't my favorite vegetable but made a change from cabbage.  Carrots and peas, roast potatoes and gravy.

Last roast for a while, maybe

There's something nostalgic about having a roast on Sunday!  Reminds me of Sundays growing up!!

Mama seeing what's for lunch

Dinner was a typical Japanese summer dish.  Cold soba noodles (buckwheat noodles).  Topped with omelet, ham, tomato and cucumber.  It was nice and light.  I like this but get fed up with it after a few weeks.  The Japanese summers are so intense that trying to cook is nearly impossible.  Just standing near the stove top feels as if you are in a furnace!  Quick cook noodles or salads are the best but get rather monotonous after a month or so!  Since it is still the beginning of the summer I can enjoy these flavors. I'm looking for new ideas!

Soba noodles with toppings and dipping sauce

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