
Friday, June 14, 2024

At Least ...

 I got the entrance cleaned out.



It's nice to have it cleaned out.  We bought slippers to start wearing in the house.  I still don't have water but managed to get some dust off with wet tissues for the floor.  Everywhere needs to be wiped down. There are a lot of ledges that catch dust.  Also, the shoe box is very tall but not up to the ceiling, there's newspapers on the top that I need to get down but I wasn't feeling brave enough to tackle that today.

I'm not sure when I can go again.  This weather is really getting me down.  The heat is okay.  Yesterday was hot, up to 33C but the humidity was low, about 45%.  This morning was cool, 23C but humidity was 85%.  I noticed that yesterday I was fine, hot but I could cook, clean and teach.  I only used the air conditioner when teaching.  Today I felt awful. Even in the car. The worst thing about this is how it affects my mood.  I get so miserable and irritated.  I was in such a bad mood this morning that I shouted at a centipede and upset Mikey!  

Never mind.  We are slowly getting there.


  1. Jackie, I've been following your blog for a bit, and wanted to comment re cleaning out the bio stains (urine etc): my two cats started peeing in the house about a year ago and I found that enzyme cleaners work. The one I use is "Nature's Miracle" (specifically Urine Destroyer Plus -- the other types of the same brand haven't been as effective) but I am sure there are local brands in Japan too. Maybe one of your kids can ask a friend who can ask their mom for recommendations? Basically from what I read it breaks down the molecules of a bio stain and then you just vacuum it up. I have so far used it on fabrics, cement, and hardwood floors, but on new stains (4 days the oldest, when I travel and the cats leave me a welcome home gift). These cleaners are supposed to work on bio stains of all sorts and origins (not just animal ones). Might be something to research? I don't know if they will help with old stains, but if nothing else works, maybe worth a try?
    Here's an article I found, looks like Kikkoman makes enzyme cleaners too:

    And also, amazing job with the genkan!! I can't imagine how much work it must be to clean up. You guys are doing so amazing. Thank you for sharing your journey. Sending you lots of love from Canada.

    1. Thank you for the information. There are products here that I've been using but they don't seem to be that effective. I keep trying different brands but haven't found one that really works. My biggest problem now is that as it gets hot the smell seems to be more intense, or at least to me it seems like that. I mop the floors every day, wash the curtains twice a month but the couch is finished, the pee has soaked into the cushions!
      I'll check out that article you sent.
      The cleaning is driving me crazy but we will get there. I remind myself that my mother-in-law never deep cleaned so of course there is a build up of muck. For example the windows were cleaned once in 31 years when I did them!
