
Monday, June 10, 2024

Everybody Is Down

 Looks like we have all succumbed to the stress of working, cleaning out the other house and keeping here clean, doing the yard etc.

Mikey has a cold, fever, and sore throat.  David's ear is blocked and painful, Hannah has carpel tunnel syndrome, Christopher has pain in his jaw and I feel like I've been run over by a truck!  I actually passed out this morning, I got up to fast from the bed, the room went black and I was on the floor.  

Because Mikey is sick David took the car and went to the other house this morning. I think he should have gone to the doctor.  He said he was alright, I hope so as a blocked ear is so annoying!

I've managed to get some jobs done here with Christopher's help.  At least the floors have been scrubbed down again. I have to start doing the floors every day, cat hair gets everywhere. I hope they stop shredding soon!  I bought some wet tissues for the mop head, these tissues are supposed to stop the cat urine smell. If they work I'll buy the big bucket of powder to dilute and use.  

The yard here needs to be cut down. I would like to say that I'll do this week but somehow doubt it.  It's getting hot, the predicted high today is 32C.  Not good for me!  I think the yard will have to be done in bits and pieces, maybe going out for a few minutes every day.  The boys can do the heavier work.

Photo of Alan, being a vampire cat!!

Look at those fangs!

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