
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Hospital Visit

 Today was the big check-up. Only once a year, thankfully but I'm exhausted from it!

Last September I thought I was finished with these check-ups.  With most cancers if you are clear after five years then you are considered cancer-free. But of course, I can't have normal cancer!  The cancer I had has to be monitored for 10 years.  Four more years to go!

The tests are not invasive.  The worst one is the mammogram.  I love how they swish your breast between plates, then say don't move.  It feels like if I move my breast would be ripped from my chest, so yeah, not moving! After that a CT scan, and echo scan.  One thing that impressed me is that they changed the technician doing the echo scan. For my stomach was a male technician but for my breast was a female technician. I'm old enough not to care but I think for younger patients it might help them to feel more comfortable.  

After the tests came the waiting.  I know that the system at this hospital is good.  All of the tests are done in-house, blood work, mammogram, CT scan, and echo scan are all handled in-house.  It takes about an hour for the tests to be done.  Seeing the first doctor was quick enough.  Everything is fine.  No change from last year, which is good.  I then had to go to the other doctor, the one for diabetes, that is where things didn't really work out. We were waiting for over half an hour.  No other patients were waiting so why the long delay?  I was getting dizzy as my blood sugar was dropping,  finally, we tracked down a nurse and asked what was happening.  

Anyway, all the numbers for my diabetes were okay.  The main number (I've forgotten what it's called) was down a bit but need to get it a bit lower to get off the medicine. My blood pressure is still too high, so I have to keep a record until my next appointment in September.

We were there (Christopher came with me) from just before 9am to 12:30!  This hospital is good, they keep the patients moving through the system but of course, sometimes things get mixed up!

I'm lucky because my afternoon was free so I could rest.  I can't believe how tired just hanging around made me!

Tomorrow is busy teaching and Friday back to the house!


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