
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Busy Day

 We had to take Frodo to the vet this morning.

Another lump, probably because of fighting.  Mikey took Hannah and I in the car.   The vet is just a five-minute walk but the carry case is heavy and difficult to carry because Frodo was moving around and crying.  

Usually, getting the cats in the carry case is difficult, but this morning they were all having a turn inside.



This is the first time I've been to this vet, a very small place but very nice.  The vet was thorough in his exam. Poor Frodo cried but he didn't lash out at the vet or nurse.  I noticed that the nurse's hands had a lot of scratch marks on them.  I guess that comes with the job!

The building that the vet has shares the space with another business, I think a hairdresser. The vet's parking spaces are marked with a paw mark, I thought that was rather cute!

Mark for the vet's parking space.

After we dropped Hannah and Frodo back home Mikey and I went to the community center to do our monthly volunteer class.

The building is new and very nice.  There are several rooms for meetings, to teach in, a room with a small stage.  A large kitchen that is set up to teach cooking, I don't know if it was at this place or another community center but one class that was very popular was a cooking class for elderly gentlemen.  I think most of these gentlemen had lost their wives and had no idea how to cook.  I thought it was a very good idea. I noticed that the building also had a shower room.  It's marked as an evacuation place, so if there is water and power people can get a quick shower if they are forced to leave their homes! I'm rather impressed by the building and also the way that it is used.  We go once a month, and most of the students are elderly, part of the idea is to help the elderly to have fulfilling lives, to keep them active longer, and put off going into a care home.  The classes that I've noticed are varied, dance classes, cooking classes, English, and some kind of meditation. It's nice to see these people get together, chatting and excited.  

I managed to get a few photos of the building.

The room we use to teach in

Baby changing room, next is the shower room


space to hang out

After lunch, I decided to rest for a bit.  Today was very hot.  I came down to be greeted by the first massive cockroach of the year.

I really hate summer!!!!

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