
Thursday, June 20, 2024


 This time of year is the rainy season here in Japan. 

The past few years have meant very heavy rain, causing floods and landslides.

I know from the news that some places have been hit with floods but so far we are okay.  We had rain yesterday, almost 24 hours. I enjoyed it as the temperature dropped from 34C to about 25C.  Today it's hot again, up to 30C this afternoon. 

I often think of this poem when the weather is driving me crazy.

Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not

Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot

We'll whether the weather, whatever the weather

Whether we like it or not

I love teaching this to my older students!  

I've realized that moaning about the weather is a very human thing.  In the winter it's too cold, in the summer too hot.  I'm trying to appreciate the seasons more, even summer that I don't enjoy.  One way is to enjoy the different available foods.  Seasonal favorites are a big thing here. It's almost impossible to get out-of-season fruits and vegetables.  Autumn is the season for apples, they are really plentiful and delicious but now there are almost no apples in the supermarket. The fruits now are melons, peaches, plums, and some berries.  I can't remember if this is the case in the UK.  Cooking shows have programs on how to use seasonal fruits and vegetables.  I like that they show traditional recipes with a modern twist. I don't watch the programs but buy the magazines, It's one way of studying Japanese!

So summer is here.  Early and apparently this year is going to be very hot.  I'm wondering if the other house will be cooler as it's at a slightly higher elevation. I'm also wondering if one or two degrees will make that much difference when it gets to over 35C.  I guess we will find out!

The cats are suffering from the heat as well.  They are lying around all day, only getting active in the early morning or night.

The other day Alan was flat on his back!  David put his phone on Alan's stomach, Teletubbies.


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Busy Day

 We had to take Frodo to the vet this morning.

Another lump, probably because of fighting.  Mikey took Hannah and I in the car.   The vet is just a five-minute walk but the carry case is heavy and difficult to carry because Frodo was moving around and crying.  

Usually, getting the cats in the carry case is difficult, but this morning they were all having a turn inside.



This is the first time I've been to this vet, a very small place but very nice.  The vet was thorough in his exam. Poor Frodo cried but he didn't lash out at the vet or nurse.  I noticed that the nurse's hands had a lot of scratch marks on them.  I guess that comes with the job!

The building that the vet has shares the space with another business, I think a hairdresser. The vet's parking spaces are marked with a paw mark, I thought that was rather cute!

Mark for the vet's parking space.

After we dropped Hannah and Frodo back home Mikey and I went to the community center to do our monthly volunteer class.

The building is new and very nice.  There are several rooms for meetings, to teach in, a room with a small stage.  A large kitchen that is set up to teach cooking, I don't know if it was at this place or another community center but one class that was very popular was a cooking class for elderly gentlemen.  I think most of these gentlemen had lost their wives and had no idea how to cook.  I thought it was a very good idea. I noticed that the building also had a shower room.  It's marked as an evacuation place, so if there is water and power people can get a quick shower if they are forced to leave their homes! I'm rather impressed by the building and also the way that it is used.  We go once a month, and most of the students are elderly, part of the idea is to help the elderly to have fulfilling lives, to keep them active longer, and put off going into a care home.  The classes that I've noticed are varied, dance classes, cooking classes, English, and some kind of meditation. It's nice to see these people get together, chatting and excited.  

I managed to get a few photos of the building.

The room we use to teach in

Baby changing room, next is the shower room


space to hang out

After lunch, I decided to rest for a bit.  Today was very hot.  I came down to be greeted by the first massive cockroach of the year.

I really hate summer!!!!

Monday, June 17, 2024

I Can't Win

 Last week was awful.  The heat and humidity were so high that just breathing made me sweat.  I pushed to do things here and at the other house but it was hard and exhausting.  I spent every day getting really irritated over the smallest of things.  I tried to keep the kitchen clean and the floors swept and mopped, other jobs I got the kids to do. 

I was worried because this year feels harder than last year.  If this is because I'm getting older then each year is going to be progressively worse.  David pointed out that the temperature got higher earlier than last year. So maybe it's not just me.

Last night I checked the weather and noticed that today is going to be a bit cooler.  The forecast high was 28C, with lower humidity.  Great I thought to myself, a chance to get a load of jobs done.

But this morning I woke up with a sore throat, cough, and headache, feeling like I'd been hit by a truck.  Hannah said that she feels awful as well.  She came back yesterday afternoon and went to bed.  She also told me that one of the toddlers she was taking care of at the nursery had a high fever and cough.  So we might have caught a summer cold!  

So I can't win, the weather is great for cleaning but I feel awful, I could push and I might later. The problem is that the rest of this week looks like rain, maybe the beginning of the rainy season, very difficult to do a lot at the other house!

One thing I've been doing is sorting through some photos.  I have a Google Hub Nest.  A Christmas gift from David a few years ago. One thing I love about it is that it runs the photos I have stored.  It randomly shows photos, some recent, others older. Seeing some of the older photos I wonder what was going on.  For example, Mikey with a bucket on his head.


I never told him that was the bucket for cleaning the toilet!

Or this one of the lads in the kitchen, what are they talking about?

Or what was so funny?

Hannah having a good laugh

I think my favorite photos are the ones from long ago.

Hisao and Christopher


Hisao and Hannah 
I thought things were tough when these photos were taken but when I look back on them things were very simple.  Maybe in a few years, this time in my life will seem easy and simple!

Friday, June 14, 2024

At Least ...

 I got the entrance cleaned out.



It's nice to have it cleaned out.  We bought slippers to start wearing in the house.  I still don't have water but managed to get some dust off with wet tissues for the floor.  Everywhere needs to be wiped down. There are a lot of ledges that catch dust.  Also, the shoe box is very tall but not up to the ceiling, there's newspapers on the top that I need to get down but I wasn't feeling brave enough to tackle that today.

I'm not sure when I can go again.  This weather is really getting me down.  The heat is okay.  Yesterday was hot, up to 33C but the humidity was low, about 45%.  This morning was cool, 23C but humidity was 85%.  I noticed that yesterday I was fine, hot but I could cook, clean and teach.  I only used the air conditioner when teaching.  Today I felt awful. Even in the car. The worst thing about this is how it affects my mood.  I get so miserable and irritated.  I was in such a bad mood this morning that I shouted at a centipede and upset Mikey!  

Never mind.  We are slowly getting there.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

I've Had Enough....

 of summer.  And it hasn't really started yet!

Yesterday and today saw highs of 33C.  Humidity between 60 to 80%.

Yesterday I was watching TV in the evening, and the sweat was just pouring out of me.  Just breathing was making me sweat.  But because the humidity was so high the sweat doesn't evaporate.  I kept washing and wiping my face but it didn't help.  To think that we have at least 5 months of this is depressing.  There is no respite from the heat and humidity.

I watched the weather report last night.  All of Japan was over 30C.  Even Sapporo in Hokkaido hit 30C. It looks like it will be like this for the rest of the week.  

I know other countries have it worse.  Indian is on the news almost every day, with temperatures nearly 50C.  I don't know how people are surviving!

On Wednesday we usually go to the other house.  Today I decided not to go.  I wasn't feeling all that good and Mikey was recovering from his cold.  Went shopping.  I'm glad we didn't go as I got sick in the shops, dizzy, and nauseous.  I kept "doing the penguin", standing in front of the freezers to cool down, shop a bit, then back to the freezers!! Helped a bit.

Yes, that fat lady with white hair is me.

This is the supermarket near the house where Christopher works.  It's closing down next month for renovations.  It needs doing, the equipment is old, today one of the freezers was leaking, again.  I think when it is reopened it will be very nice but we won't be here to enjoy it!!!

Monday, June 10, 2024

Everybody Is Down

 Looks like we have all succumbed to the stress of working, cleaning out the other house and keeping here clean, doing the yard etc.

Mikey has a cold, fever, and sore throat.  David's ear is blocked and painful, Hannah has carpel tunnel syndrome, Christopher has pain in his jaw and I feel like I've been run over by a truck!  I actually passed out this morning, I got up to fast from the bed, the room went black and I was on the floor.  

Because Mikey is sick David took the car and went to the other house this morning. I think he should have gone to the doctor.  He said he was alright, I hope so as a blocked ear is so annoying!

I've managed to get some jobs done here with Christopher's help.  At least the floors have been scrubbed down again. I have to start doing the floors every day, cat hair gets everywhere. I hope they stop shredding soon!  I bought some wet tissues for the mop head, these tissues are supposed to stop the cat urine smell. If they work I'll buy the big bucket of powder to dilute and use.  

The yard here needs to be cut down. I would like to say that I'll do this week but somehow doubt it.  It's getting hot, the predicted high today is 32C.  Not good for me!  I think the yard will have to be done in bits and pieces, maybe going out for a few minutes every day.  The boys can do the heavier work.

Photo of Alan, being a vampire cat!!

Look at those fangs!

Having A Laugh With David

 David and I went to the other house this morning.

He didn't have work Sunday night, so he rested a bit and could drive this morning.

We got there early, about 8am. The weather is warming up, so it's better to go as early as possible.  I know once the temperature hits 30C I'm finished.

The morning sky was so cloudy, I thought it might rain but it stayed dry.  The humidity, however, was high, 87%.  Really not nice.

Clouds covering the mountains

David decided to tackle the bathroom.  The carpets in there were awful. They had gone moldy in places.  He pulled up the old carpet, moved the washing machine out and the one shelving unit, which I think is for the kitchen! He used wet tissues to get some of the dust from the ledges.  

While he was doing that I rolled up the carpet in the tatami room.

In Japan we don't wear shoes in the house. The entranceway, genkan, is for changing from outside shoes to slippers.  But when we started to clean the house we noticed that most of the floors were damp and there was a strong smell of urine!  There were no slippers so we have been wearing our shoes inside.  After I pulled up the carpet I noticed that the tatami mats were in very good condition, so took my shoes off.  David came to see if I was okay, I asked him to take his shoes off, and not to step on the tatami with them on.  He stood in the doorway, jumping on and off the tatami, saying "On the tatami, off the tatami", until he smashed his head on the door frame.  I couldn't stop laughing.

At this point, I needed the toilet and a cold drink!

David wanted to go to a DIY store to pick up a few things.  I directed him to the closest store. When we got there I was amazed at how busy it was. The parking lot was almost full and massive trucks were parked at the entrance.  We were directed to park on the far side.  As David was parking a security guard came over and asked us to move so the truck could turn around.  We both realized that the store wasn't open, it was being revamped!!  David asked when it would reopen, not until the 20th!

We found another store and got the things we wanted.  One thing they didn't have was slippers, so we went to the 100 yen shop.  In the shop, David went one way and I went the other.  As I was looking around I heard the sound of breaking glass.  My first thought was David.  I was right, I found him with a broken glass vase apologizing to a staff member!!!  

After another stop we went back and did a bit more.  I found an old vacuum cleaner, about 30 years old.  It still works.  I gave the tatami room a quick vacuum and got up most of the dust.  There's also a very old fan, but it works. It's so old that there is no swing action on it. But it was nice to sit in front for a few minutes.

The bathroom, floor looks good

Tatami room

I took a couple of photos outside. One is a nice flower, but I have no idea what it's called.  The other of the mountains. We can't really see the mountains from the house because of the house in front.

Very cloudy but hot!

Friday, June 7, 2024


 Hannah had time this morning to scan the photos.

Hisao is on the right

I have no story for this photo.  Looks like a college outing!  

in his 20s, maybe.

Again I don't when this was taken.  When I was cleaning the outside storage area I found boxes of photos that my mother-in-law had put there.  I managed to save them.  Some are of people I recognize but most are of people I don't know!

visiting the UK

This was the first time we visited my family.  We both look young and skinny!! 

with mother-in-law
Maybe the first time to meet my mother-in-law.  This is in the old house. 


When Mikey was born Hisao would come and visit me in the hospital.  He would spend all his time just staring at Mikey.  He was so amazed at this baby we had made.  He really loved his kids!

at a cousin's wedding

My mother-in-law is on the left, and next is Hisao's grandmother.  I was surprised that they wore black for a wedding.  Apparently, that is normal here. Also, there was no dancing.  The family is seated the furthest away from the bride and groom, except for the parents. And of course the speeches go on forever!!

The old house

I was surprised to see this photo.  The building in front is the storage that is still there.  The house is the one that was demolished to make way for the house we are moving into.  The old house was lovely but had a lot of problems.  A typhoon in 1991 ripped off the roof and the back of the house was badly damaged.  My mother-in-law was told that building a new house was better than trying to repair it.  I wonder if that was true or if the builders just saw a chance to make some money!  In the long run, building the house that is there now might have been for the best as it is closer to the earthquake standards than the old house would have been.

Hisao's Birthday

 Today Hisao would have been 63!

I know it's twelve and a half years since he passed but these kinds of days are hard.  So many memories.  But also the lost chance to make more.  

Thinking about this makes me realize how precious each day is and how I need to focus now.  I have to create memories for my kids to carry forward.  To do things together, to go places and enjoy our lives.  I'm stressed over this move but need to accept it and make the most of it.  See it as an adventure and not a disaster. 

I wanted to post some photos I found of Hisao but Hannah is busy and I have no idea how to scan the photos.  Maybe tomorrow.  Here are some that I have on this computer.

maybe elementary school

In his 20s

with David

All of us, many years ago

I've been very busy today.  It helps!

Went to the other house, we have power but still no water.  Having lights really helped. 

I managed to get a lot of stuff out of the tatami room.  But I've dumped it in the storage room.  Not the best thing I know but I'm feeling so much time pressure. I just want the house empty so I can clean before it gets too hot!

Few more bits to pick up

The stuff in the left-hand corner is from this house,  mainly books and heavy blankets.  I hope to take the vacuum cleaner next week, I swept a bit but the tatami mats need to be vacuumed and wiped with a damp cloth.

Once I have water on I can get the dust dealt with.  The biggest cleaning will be the kitchen and bathroom.  So much mold!

Do you remember this guy?

He grew hair!

Looking good!

The hydrangeas are starting to bloom.  They are really beautiful but means that the rainy season will start soon!!

I love this color


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Hospital Visit

 Today was the big check-up. Only once a year, thankfully but I'm exhausted from it!

Last September I thought I was finished with these check-ups.  With most cancers if you are clear after five years then you are considered cancer-free. But of course, I can't have normal cancer!  The cancer I had has to be monitored for 10 years.  Four more years to go!

The tests are not invasive.  The worst one is the mammogram.  I love how they swish your breast between plates, then say don't move.  It feels like if I move my breast would be ripped from my chest, so yeah, not moving! After that a CT scan, and echo scan.  One thing that impressed me is that they changed the technician doing the echo scan. For my stomach was a male technician but for my breast was a female technician. I'm old enough not to care but I think for younger patients it might help them to feel more comfortable.  

After the tests came the waiting.  I know that the system at this hospital is good.  All of the tests are done in-house, blood work, mammogram, CT scan, and echo scan are all handled in-house.  It takes about an hour for the tests to be done.  Seeing the first doctor was quick enough.  Everything is fine.  No change from last year, which is good.  I then had to go to the other doctor, the one for diabetes, that is where things didn't really work out. We were waiting for over half an hour.  No other patients were waiting so why the long delay?  I was getting dizzy as my blood sugar was dropping,  finally, we tracked down a nurse and asked what was happening.  

Anyway, all the numbers for my diabetes were okay.  The main number (I've forgotten what it's called) was down a bit but need to get it a bit lower to get off the medicine. My blood pressure is still too high, so I have to keep a record until my next appointment in September.

We were there (Christopher came with me) from just before 9am to 12:30!  This hospital is good, they keep the patients moving through the system but of course, sometimes things get mixed up!

I'm lucky because my afternoon was free so I could rest.  I can't believe how tired just hanging around made me!

Tomorrow is busy teaching and Friday back to the house!


Monday, June 3, 2024

Checked The Land

 Big mistake!  

We have about 16 pieces of land scattered around the area. I know of 11, I need to find out the other 5 pieces.

Yesterday David and I went to look at two pieces of land near the house. Totally overgrown.  The one is so bad that the driveway has gone! 

Where the small bush should be the driveway

The land opposite I really like. The view of the mountains is stunning.  I would love to have a house here but it's zoned as farming land so difficult to change. 

Totally overgrown

Beautiful view

In autumn it is really lovely.  We had persimmon trees on here, I would love to try to get them to have fruit again.

But I have so much on my plate with the house and the land there that I can't think about the other land at the moment.

We are still trying to get power and water on. It shouldn't be that hard!  David found what he thinks is the mains water but even he opened it full still no water.  I figured that it might be on a pump so no power no water. He called the electric company, and they sent somebody to check the meter. I hope next time we will have power and water.

I'm wondering what to do about all these ornaments my mother-in-law collected.  I don't think there is anything of value but it feels wrong just to dump them.  I need to get them out otherwise the house won't feel like mine.

I'm really feeling time pressure now.  It's June, and I want to be moved in by November.  But I don't know if I can do anything in the summer.  One idea is to get up early and do some before it gets hot.

On Sunday and yesterday I had a look around some furniture shops to get ideas.  I won't be able to buy anything until next year but just seeing what's available is good.  I will use what I have now but would love to replace some things.  Looking is free so it's okay!!!


 the last roast lunch for a few months!

I love a roast lunch.  I enjoy cooking and of course, eating.  The summer in Japan is too hot for a roast, lighter meals that don't need a lot of cooking are better!

So yesterday I made a nice roast lunch.

Thick-cut pork chops (the usual roast cuts aren't available, but these pork chops are nice), just a sprinkle of salt and pepper, and a bit of rosemary, slow cook in the oven.

I managed to get brussel sprouts (gorilla snot as the kids call them), they aren't my favorite vegetable but made a change from cabbage.  Carrots and peas, roast potatoes and gravy.

Last roast for a while, maybe

There's something nostalgic about having a roast on Sunday!  Reminds me of Sundays growing up!!

Mama seeing what's for lunch

Dinner was a typical Japanese summer dish.  Cold soba noodles (buckwheat noodles).  Topped with omelet, ham, tomato and cucumber.  It was nice and light.  I like this but get fed up with it after a few weeks.  The Japanese summers are so intense that trying to cook is nearly impossible.  Just standing near the stove top feels as if you are in a furnace!  Quick cook noodles or salads are the best but get rather monotonous after a month or so!  Since it is still the beginning of the summer I can enjoy these flavors. I'm looking for new ideas!

Soba noodles with toppings and dipping sauce