
Friday, May 10, 2024


 I like shopping, most of the time!  At the moment it's a bit stressful as the things I need to buy and the things I would love to buy cost a lot more than the money I have! 

Today I went to a large home center near here.  It's a DIY shop, garden center, pet shop (pet goods not animals), many lovely things for the kitchen, and a furniture store.  Christopher came with me I needed to buy some spray for the bees and some different cleaning agents.  It really helps to be able to read Japanese!

I wandered through the furniture store, just sighing at all the beautiful furniture, thinking how this or that would look in the house but realizing that I don't have the budget now and how to keep things nice with the cats!

Then I got sidetracked by the kitchen department.  I saw things that I might treat myself to once we are settled in.  One thing that caught my eye was these placemats

Nice placemats
I was tempted to buy them but I know that I would probably misplace them before we move.  I did buy some bee-killing spray and some gardening tools.  

Then onto a discount store. Not sure why it's called a discount store as it's not really that cheap!  This store has a supermarket in it.  They usually have good fruit there.  I got some grapes and cut watermelon. The meat is sometimes a bit cheaper than the local supermarket, today the mince was a decent price, so tomorrow's lunch will be hamburgers.

The last place I went was the 100 yen shop.  That is the most dangerous place for me.  Lovely goods at 100 yen. I go around putting things in my basket, thinking "It's only 100 yen", the problem is that those 100 yens add up.  Today I resisted temptation, just 500 yen, again cleaning products.

The last place I stopped into was a recycle shop.  The name of the shop always makes me smile.

recycle shop

I often wonder if the person who came up with that shop name knew what a fly is!!  When I first saw this shop I had the image of old things with flies hovering over them!! But the goods are good quality!

Nice morning shopping.  Just need a lot more money!

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