
Monday, May 20, 2024

Busy Week Ahead

 The rest of this week is going to be busy for me.

Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment, the last one I hope. Just to check that my shingles have gone completely.  I feel a lot better, just this constant fatigue, that is driving me crazy!

Wednesday and Friday I hope to go to the other house.  The water should be on, maybe the power as well.  I can start cleaning, the kids can get the last few things out.  I'm looking forward to getting the place cleaned up, maybe think about painting some of the walls.  I'm looking for ideas on how to brighten the place up without spending a lot of money.  Even though the kitchen is not that well designed, most kitchens in Japan are badly designed, I can work with it. The biggest problem is the massive sink and no counter space.  When we moved out, I left an island counter, but my mother-in-law hacked at it and ruined it.  I have a couple of ideas on how to either make it look nice or replace it with some tables that I have. Something to think about.

Thursday is a busy day teaching.

Saturday I don't have anything planned but I will try to clean out some more cupboards here.

Yesterday I decided to clear out the cupboards in the bathroom.  I couldn't remember what was inside. They are too high for me to use, to see inside I had to climb on a chair!

I found a few things that we can still use, wet tissues, shampoo, conditioner, and a toilet brush, still in its packing!

The one find that shocked me was two bottles of mouthwash.

These were one of the last things Hisao bought just before he died!
 A week before he died we went to Costco to do the last Christmas shopping.  It was the first time I had Christmas organized before Christmas Eve!
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I found those bottles. I ended up doing both!
I'm amazed at what memories small things like this bring flooding back!

I really hope to get a lot done this week. It is already hot.  31C today, which is unusual for May.  The humidity is low so I can cope!  The rainy season is just around the corner, that is going to be hard. 

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