
Friday, May 17, 2024

It's Started!!!!

 The temperature has started to rise. The average temperature here is about 24 during the day and a low of 15C at night.  Toady should get up to 31C, next week is going to be about the same.  I'm not ready for that!! No choice, I know that, but the longer it stays cool the more I can get done at the other house.  We are getting the power on this week but the air conditioners are old and never cleaned!!  I need to buy new ones but of course no money!

Went to the other house yesterday.  Didn't do any work because it was rather late when we got there. The hairdresser that I go to is on the way, so I got my haircut!  As much as I love my hairdresser I think I have to find another place.  The lady is 75 years old and still sharp but I can see she is slowing down.  I've been going there for 30 years now, which makes it difficult for me to want to change.

At the other house we had another go at spraying the bees.  Mikey's turn this time. Of course he got stung but just on the clothes.

The bee-killing get up!

On the way home we stopped at a few shops.  Just food shopping. I'm craving fruit but it's so expensive.

As I was coming out of one shop I saw a kid taking photos, looking up I saw a bird's nest with the mama bird and chicks.

You can just see the chicks

These look like handmade nests, not natural, maybe to encourage the birds to nest there!

I'm really trying to be positive, to change my energy and focus on the good not the myriad of problems I have.  I'm stressed but I know that isn't helping me at all.  Yesterday evening I was waiting for my students to come. I could feel the tension in me build up, I love these girls but they are so energetic and I wasn't sure if I could deal with it last night.  I sat in my living room, thinking about what to teach, looking for something to help me calm down a bit when I noticed Steve, our white cat.  The way the light caught his eyes made them look very blue, I took photos but they aren't that good! 

blue eyes

I sat talking to Steve, just mesmerized by his eye color.  Just those few minutes helped me to feel calmer and have a bit of energy to teach.  My lesson turned out a lot better than I thought it would.  These girls always make me laugh!!

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