
Monday, October 14, 2024

Catch Up Post

 The past few days have been very busy!

Saturday David, Christopher and I went to the other house. 

I managed to wash five lots of windows, scrub the bathroom, cut down some trees and clean out

some of the office.

David and Christopher worked outside cutting trees and burning trash.

I spent 10 minutes looking for my phone, then I remembered that it was broken!

Massive cobweb!

These cobwebs were all over the yard!

Also I found these snacks in a local supermarket. Not really fish and chips taste, more like vinegar taste.

English fish and chips

Sunday Hannah and I went to the city to see about getting her apartment.

I thought we would just have a look at a few places, come back, think about it and then go again to sign the contract. Hannah just wanted to do it all at one time.

She made an appointment with a real estate agent near the station. She said that it's just a 3 minute walk, I asked if that was 3 minutes for 22 year old legs or 62 year old legs!

It wasn't that far and the weather was good, not too hot!

Hannah had selected 3 places near the university but all of those were taken. The agent found 3 others, similar location and price.

There was 10,000 yen (about 50 pounds) difference between the most expensive and the cheapest. We started with the most expensive place, newer apartment, just 2 minutes from the university. Very nice but no stove or light in the main room. The next one was further away, 15 minutes walk. I felt the main room was very small. The last one smelt musty. It was clean but some how didn't feel well taken care of, maybe just an older building.  We went back to the first one and Hannah decided on that one.  Her budget will be tight but I'll help her when I can.

Hannah's room, left is the closet, right goes to the kitchen

We went back to the real estate office and Hannah signed the contract.  There's a lot to pay out but they have this system where the initial cost can be spread over a few months, which helps.

After that we went to the mall and had lunch.  We decided on sushi!

Very nice sushi

We thought there was a mistake on the English menu

Ship Roll????

We thought it should be shrimp roll, until we looked at the picture.

Ship Roll!

In Japanese these are called Battleship rolls1!!

We had a look round, there's a nice furniture store and electric store but I was getting very tired so we headed back to the station.

Of course I had energy for Mister Donuts.

Mister Donuts treat

My Halloween donut


After that we got the train back. We had to wait for a taxi, which is very unusual!

Unfortunately things went down hill from there for me!

I was so tired when I got home, thinking it was just exhaustion from two very busy days I went to lie down for an hour, thinking that I would feel better after.

That wasn't the case. I came down stairs to make some dinner but didn't feel up to it. Instead I ended up throwing up. Then I got a really bad headache. I wanted to take some pain killer but thought it might upset my stomach more!

Monday was a national holiday so no doctors open. Also Mikey was out and David was sleeping. By 5 pm I felt so bad that I went to the emergency room by taxi. My fever was up to 38.8C, my head and body hurt and I still couldn't keep anything down. I tested for both Covid and flu but they were negative, I got some medicine for pain and to stop throwing up. I still feel rough but want to move about a bit as my body hurts from lying down so much. Just writing this has exhausted me!!

And I have a new phone! I didn't realize how much I use it until I didn't have one!

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