
Sunday, September 22, 2024


 Last Thursday Hannah had a seizure!

All started just after lunch. Hannah and I share a bedroom. She was lying on her bed, I was on mine reading. She suddenly raised her hand, as if stretching. At first I thought it was nothing unusual, but I noticed her fist was clenched. I called her name, asking what she was doing, but no response.  I went over to her as she arched her back and pulled her knees up. The movements were strange. I screamed for help as I realized she was having a seizure. The boys came running I told them to call for an ambulance. As I was saying this her body relaxed and started to shake. I kept her on her side until that had finished, I then rolled her onto her back to rub her chest to wake her up. No response, David was her bed by that time, calling her name, getting her to sit up.  She opened her eyes but was out of it! I asked her what day it was, no response. David asked her birthday, she said May but nothing else. She was totally unresponsive and unfocused. We tried to keep her awake but she kept closing her eyes. 

After what seemed like a life time but was probably just a few minutes the ambulance came. I'm sorry to say this is when I totally freaked out, I was shaking and felt faint. Mikey held my hand and helped to breathe through my panic attack. 

They loaded her into the ambulance and we went to the hospital I had spent the whole morning at the day before.  

I was in such a state the nurse was asking if I needed to see a doctor, I told her I would be alright, just needed some time to process what had happened. 

They were very thorough in their exam.  I'm not sure of all the tests they did but there was a CT scan, heart check and some check on the nervous system.

After a few hours she was admitted to the hospital for the night, just to keep an eye on her. 

We went up to ward with her, then came all the forms for that had to be filled out. Mikey took care of that.

By the time she was settled it was after visiting time but I asked if I could just go in to say goodbye and see that she was alright. At first the nurse said no but he asked the charge nurse who said a couple of minutes was okay.

Hannah said she had no memory of the fit and couldn't figure out why she was in the ambulance when she woke up! 

She was discharged the next day. The doctor said that she couldn't rule out epilepsy but she didn't think that was what it was.  It might have been a combination of the heat, exhaustion and stress that triggered the seizure. She might have more or never have another episode. 

One big stress for Hannah was the test for graduate school that she took on Saturday. The plan was for Mikey to drop her off, the test started at 8:30, then she was going to come back by train. But Mikey decided to wait in the city and bring her back by car. That helped my stress level a lot.

I haven't slept properly since she had the seizure. Every time she turns over I wake up and she is a restless sleeper!

I realize that I can't cope with these things. Hearing the ambulance pull gave me flash backs to when Hisao passed away. A sense of hopelessness came over me and that is what started my panic attack.

I'm exhausted now but need to push to get things done, moving day is creeping closer!

At least the weather has cooled down, it's just 26C today, high will be 30C. Still hot but bearable!

I hope my next post is not so dramatic, I really don't need this drama in my life.

google collage of Hannah and me



  1. I'm sorry to hear about Hannah's episode. Hope Hannah doesn't have anymore trouble.You certainly don't need more stress. Remember to take deep breathing breaks. Wishing you all the best in the future.

    1. Thanks for the comment. You are right I don't need any more stress! Hannah seems okay but this episode has left her shaken!
