
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

It Is The Season For.....

 Sneezing, coughing, wheezing and blood shot eyes! 

Yes, allergy season has started for me! 

According to my weather app, tree pollen is severe, and I live a the foot of a mountain covered in trees!!

I have mild allergies all year round but spring and autumn are really bad.

I take allegry medicine but the side effects are bad. Dry mouth and throat, if I'm not teaching it's okay but when I have to speak a lot I need to constantly drink.  Another side effect are the heavy headaches that I get, really pounding away, I can take painkiller but that makes the worse side effect worse!  Feeling sleepy!  That is really difficult to deal with.  Yesterday I had a morning class and of course as I started the class I felt the side effects kick in. I got so sleepy that I couldn't speak clearly!  

I've thought of using herbal or Chinese medicine to combat these allergies but I don't think that would be stong enough to deal with how severe my symptoms can get. I would love not to take the medicine but if I don't then I can spend up to three hours just sneezing and my eyes burn!

As I mentioned I had a class yesterday morning. It's the volunteer class that I do once a month with Mikey.  Yesterday was the last lesson until April. I was given some beautiful flowers as a thank you!

My flowers
They are in my room because the cats aren't allowed in there unless I'm in there. I don't want the cats to knock them over, also some flowers are poisonous for cats.

Hannah also got some flowers as well. She went out for dinner with her classmates and students doing the same course who are year below her. It was a goodbye party as the 4th year students graduate in March ( the school year is from April to the next March in Japan).  She had a really nice time, the graduating students were given flowers. 

Hannah's flowers

Hannah was asked to go and give a short 10 minute talk about entering graduate school to the third grade students.  
She did that yesterday and said the talk went well. I'm so proud of her, she is very shy and finds talking infront of people difficult but she managed to challenge herself.  

The weather has finally turned round. This morning it was above freezing when I woke up, still cold but a lot easier to deal with!  I need to get started on clearing the yard and planting a few things. I hope the weather cooperates this weekend but the forecast is for rain! 

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