
Sunday, February 9, 2025

Hannah's Visit

 Hannah came to visit for a couple of days!

It's nice having her home. We chat everyday on the phone but having chance to sit and talk is really different. Also she had chance to talk to her brothers about different things, I have no idea what as they speak in Japanese!

She bought some gifts from her trip!

From Hannah, Weetabix is only available at import shops.

cute bag for me, Hannah said the sumo wrestlers look like me!

I made lasagna for lunch and did a bit more baking!  I've enjoyed getting in the kitchen, it feels like a long time since I did any baking. Problem is that I now have a mountain of dishes to wash. 

We have a mystery. Holes have appeared in the garden. David noticed a hole last week, when he asked if we had dug up the bushes we all said no. The past week has been to cold to do anything outside! At first I thought it might have been the old gentleman that has been cutting down some of the trees, he worked for my mother-in-law and still wants to help out. I just went to have a look and noticed a few more holes, looks like some kind of animal, maybe a wild boar.  Looks like figuring a way to humanely remove them from here.

The holes

Just did a bit of reading on wild boar, apparently they dig for insects and also they make nests in the ground. Yet another thing to learn about!

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