
Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Oh (Enter Favorite Swear Word)!!!!!

 Messed up again!

The plan was to have everything moved out by Friday, then come here Saturday and Sunday to finish cleaning! 

But of course that hasn't worked out!

Yesterday Mikey called the real estate agent who said that we have to give a months notice, so we have to pay for another month here!

I'm upset by that as I wanted to use the money from the rent to buy some heaters and to go to Costco!

Mikey told them that we don't have money and asked them not to take the money form my bank until the middle of the month. I'm thinking of going and offering half of the rent, explaining that we had to buy new heaters for the other house. Probably won't work but worth a try.  I guess going to Costco will have to wait!

Since we have another month here I'm not going to make myself sick trying to clean everything in a couple of days! I have to come here a few times a week to teach, so on those days I'll come and clean and tidy the yard. 

As much as I don't want to move I do want it finished with.  To be in one house. At the moment most of our things are in the other house but we are still here!! It's kind of hard. I can't cook so we are living on obento's and cup noodles, not nice at all!  

Also it's gone very cold!  I have city gas heaters for this house but I don't want to use them as they are very expensive to run. I'm keeping warm by trying to move round and get cleaning done. My bed is nice and warm but it's hard to get out of it in the morning!  I like the cold weather but I like to have heating available, to get comfortable with a nice hot drink and a cat or two!

Get a bit more cleaned up. I'm waiting for Christopher and David to get back. They took more stuff over plus somebody is coming to hook up the gas. At least we can get hot water!!

Just a photo of the cats sulking!!

They have no where to lie down, so not very happy!!!

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