
Wednesday, November 20, 2024

I Want To Scream

 Last Sunday David said that a moving company was coming today, November 21st, to take the fridge and air conditioner.  Those are the only things we can't move ourselves.

I spent most of Sunday and Monday cleaning out the fridge. It isn't that big but the top shelf is difficult for me to reach, especially when things get pushed to the back. I threw out a load of half used sauce bottles and some things that I have no idea what they were!

This morning I was up early as I wasn't sure what time the moving company was coming and I wanted to empty the few things that were left in the fridge to take to the other house. 

The plan was for David to go to the other house and wait for the people to come, Christopher and I were going to stay here and give the company directions.

David came back from work just after 9 o'clock, I told him that the fridge was cleared out and that a crate was full of food from the fridge.

He then checked his calendar and said that he got the dates mixed up, the moving company is coming next week!!

So I had to unpack the food and put everything back in the fridge.  

I could scream, I didn't have to get up early this morning. I had a bad night because my allergies have been playing up, I could of slept a couple more hours!

Never mind. The fridge is nice and clean. 

I'm really trying not to get stressed out. If I can find humor in something I am, otherwise I'll go crazy!

My blood pressure is too high, even though I'm taking medicine. I know that the cold weather makes blood pressure a bit higher but it's really not that cold, it's 14C at the moment, which is okay for me!

Still a lot to do. I'm pushing the lads to do as much as possible. I figured we should do what we can. I know that I can't lift anything heavy but the lads can, I can cook and kept things tidy here, do the cleaning that needs to be done before we move out, so that is what I'm doing.

It will get done, we will be out before December. That's my mantra at the moment!

The cats are freaking out, they seem confused and maybe picking up on the stress.

I'm not sure what Alan got up to the other day, he came out of the kitchen looking like this.

Alan's disguise!

It was either pancake mix or flour!

Better go and do some more cleaning! It really feels never ending!!

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