This time the epicenter was in Oita Prefecture. We are in Saga. Bit closer than the last big one. Really not nice!
All I want is a good nights sleep. But because the biggest quake happened at 1:30am I can't sleep until after that time. I know that quakes can happen at any time but my mind has got 1:30am equals quake time! Crazy.
This morning news said that quakes over 1plus are now over 500! Intensity of 3 to 7 is 80 something times, that is a lot of shaking!
We are lucky here. The only damage is to nerves! But people in Kumamoto are really suffering! Supplies are getting in slowly, this morning the main airport could open but a lot of roads are still too damaged. The news was showing one road that had split, there was a meter difference between the two parts of the road!
I am trying to think of different things. Making plans to go back to UK for a visit. We finally have a credit card so I can apply for a passport! Today I went to the UK government site to check what I need to apply! According to the site Mastercard, Visa and a few other cards aren't accepted. I checked the leaflet on how to apply and it says they are accepted. Somebody has messed up the site! Typical! Anyway I sent them an email and hope to get that sorted soon.
David is getting be a really good cook. He made a wonderful yoghurt cake yesterday (photo next time). Very nice! I was telling a couple of my students about Davids cooking abilities. The one young guy said to David "You are wonderful COCK" I almost died! I left David to explain why I thought that was funny!!!