
Monday, June 2, 2014

Hot Days and Rainy Days

I can't believe the weather we have been having here the past few days!
Saturday and Sunday were hot.  Up to 34C near here.  That is unheard of for this time of year.  From Saturday afternoon I started to feel awful, sick, dizzy and throbbing headache!  When I checked my temperature it was 37.5C, heat stroke!!  Every year this happens, first hot day I get sick.  My body really doesn't cope with the heat!
Yesterday the temperature dropped and the rain started.  Rain is good, cooler temperatures are really good.  I felt so much better yesterday!!
On Saturday Mikey had his first magic show.  He said that it went well, he didn't get any photos.  I'm glad that it went well and that he managed okay.  The audience was elementary school kids, not the easiest to impress! Plus he got paid, $100.  For half an hour, now that is what I call work!
Good news on the weight front, half kilo down!  Good start but my eating has been all over the place!  Some days good, some days so so and some days awful!  But it's a start!  On July 28th Mikey and I are working with another English teacher to put together a one day summer program for kids in this area.  So I need to loose some by then otherwise it is going to be hell for me!!  So now I have a date to shoot for!!   Wish me luck!

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