
Saturday, November 12, 2022

First Eleven Days

 I stopped having sugar on the 1st. So 11 days.  The first few were hard, temptation everywhere but it has gotten easier.  A lot of the temptation came from the left-over goodies from Halloween, they have gone and I don't buy snacks.  I prefer to bake.  But I haven't done any recently.

Results:  lost a pound.  Not much but I'm still eating to many carbs.  I know it's bad but I can only deal with one thing at a time.  Sugar was the easiest to start with.  Also money is tight and what I want to buy, fruits and vegetables are too expensive.  I do buy them but not enough.  It's crazy when a small bunch of grapes cost 1,000yen (about 6 pounds), apples are about half that for 3, oranges are bit cheaper and of course bananas are always cheap.  One good thing is that I am sleeping better.  Before I was getting up to use the toilet 8 to 10 times a night.  I know that this is a sign of diabetes.  Now I can actually sleep for four or five hours, if the cats are quiet!  

I'm feeling rather proud of myself for not stress eating this past week.  The shock of the gas bill and having two students quit was very stressful.  In the past I would use this as an excuse to eat crap.  But I didn't.  I sat and cried, talked to the cats and then got on with what I had to do.  For me that is a big thing. I didn't turn to food!

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