
Thursday, November 18, 2021


 There is a local election here on Sunday.  I think it's for the city council.  I know it's important for the candidates to get their name out there but the way it is done here drives me crazy.  They have these cars with loud speakers on them that drive around all day shouting out the candidates name over and over.  It drives me crazy.  I feel it is a very thoughtless way to advertise the candidates.  Do they consider that some people are working shifts, doctors, nurses, firefighters, police officers all work nights and need to sleep.  What about people who are sick, or mothers trying to get their babies or toddlers to have a nap.  Sometimes I want to get the microphone and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.  Also they just say the candidates name, not what he or she is standing for or what they plan to do if voted in.  I asked Mikey why they don't go door to door speaking to people, he said that it was illegal here as it is too easy to bribe people.  So another two days of noise then back to the background noise of the construction work a few blocks away!

1 comment:

  1. Jackie, I just wanted to share that we had the same problem with the cat ruining the wall paper. I covered the walls with plastic table cloth material which seemed to help but it is kind of messy. My final solution which has been basically excellent, is that there was one place where the cat seemed to sharpen his clothes more than other places. I used double faced tape to tape 3 pieces of cork on the wall. (it's sold cheap in 100 yen stores etc. as a type of floor tile. The cat uses this every day to sharpen his claws and doesn't touch the wall paper any more. When the cork disintegrates, I take it down and put up another piece of cork. The only draw back is that there is little pieces of cork tracked around the house, but this can be vacuumed and the wall paper has been completely saved. I really feel for you!
