
Thursday, April 2, 2020

Mother in Law

My mother in law passed away April 1st.  She was 83 years old.  She had a nasty fall a few years
back and never really recovered from it.  The last year she was in a care home as she was
basically bed ridden.
My relationship with her had been rather hard. In one way I felt very sorry for her, she never really
had the life she wanted.  Taken out of high school at 17 because her father died and she had to work in the fields.  Married to her cousin because he was willing to change his family name to hers.  Widowed with 2 young boys at just 26.  Left to run a business in the 1960s in Japan, which must of been really hard, even today women are expected to marry, have kids and stay home, maybe just having a part time job!  So in the 1960s it must be hard.  My husband said that sometimes she would work 24 hours to get orders done!  I get she had a hard life but she also made our lives hard!
When I first met her she was alright, a bit crazy but rather fun.  I think as she got older, her legs became very painful, her body stopped doing what she was use to and it was hard for her to accept old age.  She became resentful of her life and blamed me for almost everything that was wrong. Made me sad because my kids, her only grandkids, started to not want to talk to her or be with her.  At one point Hannah was really scared of her.  Christopher had an especially hard time with her.  We were living together when he was in the 5th grade.  He was being bullied at school, by the whole class.  So until we could sort things out he stayed at home.  My husband explained this to his mother, her reply was that Christopher was being bullied because  he was stupid.  She said this constantly to Christopher, he would cry and feel really heart broken, he had no safe place to be!
So a real love/hate relationship.  In one way I feel her passing was for the best.  She was always very active, always on the go.  Her mind was still basically clear until the end, it must of been awful for her to not get up and do what she always did!

The next few weeks are going to be crazy for us.  There are no other family members so we inherit all of the land and house.  What to do with it all is the big question!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. This on top of your son leaving is extremely hard on you and your family.
