My insomnia got the better of me last night. I went to bed about 10:30 but woke up at 2am and couldn't fall asleep again. So I got up at 4:30, put some meat in the slow cooker for lunch and made some banana coffee muffins. Hubby started to wash the dishes a little while later. While he was washing the dishes water started to pour from under the sink, a pipe had broken. He turned the water off at the main and we cleaned up as best as we could. This is a rental house, so after dropping the kids off at school, hubby went to the real estate agents and asked for a plumber to come. Somebody came and had a look at the situation but couldn't do anything because of the contract . The guy who has the contract came at 9am, looked and left. We are now 4 hours without water, we could get some cold water but no hot water! The cold water was from outside the house, fill up pots and pans and bring in. By 12:30 the plumber still hadn't come back, so another call to the real estate agent. The plumber returned at 1:30 and has just finished fixing the pipe......maybe!
At times like this I wonder how people cope in areas that are hit by disasters, how do you deal with NO water,electricity or gas? Even one day with no water has driven me crazy, a few days I would be climbing the walls!
Hi! I finally found your blog- or should I say was able to get on it! For some unknown reason I was not able to in the past! I can live without power but water...I need water! when we lived in Saipan we were hit by super typhoon Kim in 1986. I shall never forget it. Wind speeds were clocked at over 210 kts. Needless to say we were devastated- the entire island looked like a war zone. Our village was without power and water for 4 months...and WE were lucky-some places waited almost a year for utilities to return! My second child was a baby at that time and it was rough, but we made it. At least the island was tropical and we didn't have to suffer cold...the heat was extreme but I'd rather be hot than freezing to death.