
Friday, July 13, 2012

The midnight cockroach fight

This cough is now driving me crazy.  I am a lot better but still coughing, not as often, but it is really heavy when I start.  One big problem is getting enough sleep.  I drop off but am woken every hour or so coughing.
The other night I gave up trying to sleep.  About 1am I came down and started to watch TV.  Mikey came down and offered to make some tea.  Tea always helps.  While he was making the tea Mikey saw a massive cockroach race across the room.  He put the light on and spent the next few minuets looking for it.  I'm sitting there, sipping my tea, I hadn't seen the monster yet.  Mikey then tells me to look at the wall, there crawling slowly was the biggest cockroach I had ever seen.  That's when the screaming and jumping around started, even sick I could really move it.  Poor Mikey was left with the task of killing it, took a good fifteen minutes to get it, then we stood looking at the body, doing the "is it dead?"  routine, neither of us brave enough to go near it!!

In other news we have had lots and lots of rain.  Where we live is a good area, no major rivers nearby, no mountains to fall down on us, also the house is a good metre above the road.  Yesterday and all last night we had incredible thunderstorms.  Rain was intense, the lightening lite up the room.  The worst is over for now, but it should start again.  Then the next couple of days are going to be hot. 

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